atomant (Q) " Types attracted to the sect known as Jehovers Witness"
The Rebel (A) We shouldn't overlook the attraction of someone going to a great deal of trouble coming to "your "door each week to reach you with the " truth"
I mention the above because that's when the " brain washing begins".
Ovbiously it's easier to "prey" on those not in full time employment,but instead those at home during the week. The relationship between study conductor and " bible" student then has to be a strong one, and progress until an invitation to a non-threatening event ( meeting at the K.H) is agreed.
Now the " love-bombing" takes effect, ect ect.
Having progressed to this stage it's time to introduce the negatives as the "bible study" is exspected to ask less difficult questions and accept the absurd, whilst attending more " non-threatening" events. If the " bible student" does not do this they are made to feel guilty and unworthy of association.
So I believe the only way a person can be converted from the door to door ministry is:-
A) If the Jehovers Witness can target a recruit generally looking for a purpose in their life.
B) If the Jehovers Witness is able to "sincerely" befriend the new recruit and gently lead them through the process of " brain washing" one step at a time, over many months.
C) And those that stay and advance in the organisation do so because they have generally developed a sence of superiority.
D) Rational thinking has little to do with any of of this.
The Rebel